The Collective

Our Collective of Seva’s, Kokua’s, and Curandera’s at Ahavah Gardens are extremely valuable to the people and medicine space. We work interdependently for a common goal . . . to create a safe container where LOVE is the Sacrament.

The Curandera’s : Healers of the Soul, Sacrement Holders & Servers of the Medicine

Andria Lynn

My name is Andria Lynn, and I am living my soul purpose sharing the wisdom of nutrition, energy work and holistic modalities as Medicine. I offer holistic healing arts to address 'Panema', trapped emotional/spiritual illness, to restore the body, mind & soul to its innate state of balance. I am here to help ignite your memory of who you truly are.

I love to feed people both figuratively & literally. Earth, Seed, and Soul Medicines are important modules in any stage of achieving wholeness. I will help you uncover root causes of health/soul challenges & support positive lifestyle changes, bridging the gap between our western culture & Ancient Wisdom.

This practice is my passion. Bringing healing and light to your life with these tools will improve the way you feel & support you for the rest of your life journey. 



Keauna is a Colorado Native that grew up walking barefoot and playing with the Earth. Since then her fascination with all things natural and holistic has blossomed into the studies of herbalism, Kambo peptide therapy, and plant medicines. Her old soul has lead her down the path of healing and guiding others in need to tap into their divine power that they have always possessed.

Her quintessential dream in life is to live sustainably in a supportive community with Earth medicine/root working, the focus on health and wellness, and an over all richness of prosperity and light.

Keauna is a partner with EDENOLOGY Holistic Wellness. She has her certifications in Reiki Energy Work and has been trained through Tribal Detox as a Kambo Practitioner.

The Seva’s : Compassionate care for others above oneself and selfless service as a path to spiritual development. Seva’s support the flow between the People, Kokua’s and Curandera’s.


Aloha. My name is Andreana Aio. I am Native Hawaiian born and raised in Hawaii and now a native to Colorado of 20 years. I am a veteran who served in the United States Air Force. My journey of self discovery and personal evolution has lead me to Edenology and Ahavah Gardens. My experiences with planet medicines awakened my heart and soul, and have found a calling to learn, grow, and evolve with plant medicines. As a Seva, I am here to be of service bringing support and a comforting flow of care. I look forward to meeting you at our ceremony.

NĀNĀ I KE KUMU: Look to your Sense of Place and sources of spirit, and you find your truth.


Greetings, I am Tim. I run The Ayahuasca Love Collective page on Facebook. I am considered a SEVA in the ceremony space. SEVA is a Sanskrit word that means "selfless service as a path to spiritual development". That is what I am there for … to help, to assist, and to hold a nonjudgmental space full of LOVE.

 I started my Ayahuasca journey in May of 2022. I just flipped my suv 4 times and had a small scratch on a tattoo that is for my son.(I hear you universe!) I got home from that experience, slept for 3 days, awoke, and got more drugs. This was a 7 year process. I was thinking of ways to end my life, but kept thinking of my son. Ayahuasca popped into my head so I put down half the money. Jobless, high, and terrified!

 My biggest takeaway was self-love. Before the 3 ceremonies I did in 1 weekend, I thought it was a narcissistic act to love yourself. My other huge takeaway is learning about years of sexual abuse from my father. The mind loves to block out what you can't handle. As soon as the medicine kicked in, I said, "Was I ever hurt as a child?" That's not what I intended to ask or even thought! This was a great shock and immensely painful. But will forever be grateful to be shown the ugly so that I can heal it. 

 I thought Ayahuasca was a one-off. I wouldn't need to worry, I'll never use drugs again. Well, I did again and again. I wasn't doing any self-work like integration or showing up for myself in any capacity. This doesn't mean you can't do Ayahuasca one time only, it means to do the work after! 

 I look forward to working with all of you. In my 4th ceremony, Mama Aya shared with me two of my life paths. One of those was that I was to remind others of their worth and that self-love is the best love. I take this very seriously. Mother Ayahuasca has opened my heart chakra wide open! 

 If you need reminding you are pure LOVE, have any questions, or just need a friend, call or message me!

719-757-0588 my personal cell phone.

The Ayahuasca LOVE Collective is a collective of beautiful like-minded people who are looking to heal through plant medicines and all other modalities of healing! Let's raise the vibration as ONE! LOVE you!

Please join

The Kokua’s : Encapsulates the Spirit of Ahavah, assisting community and interconnectedness, offering their skills closley inside of the Medicine Space and beyond.


Hello everyone! I’m Shawna. I lead integration on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. This is something I’ve been called to do as a free service to all. I’m going on 7 years into my recovery/spiritual journey and this is my way of paying forward the love and healing I’ve received from so many over this time. I had the honor of receiving a Reiki 1 attunement in February and I enjoy providing sound healing through crystal singing bowls in ceremony space.

I am currently working on a certification in sound therapies. I have about a year of experience in the Ayahuasca/psychedelic community. One of my greatest joys is helping connect others with access to the plant medicines and other healing and personal growth modalities that are comfortable to them. All are welcome and I follow a “meet people exactly where they are” philosophy.

My personal favorites are meditation, sound/frequencies, somatic therapy, psilocybin, writing/journaling, and of course Mother Aya. I am an intuitive empath claircognizant/clairaudient. I am drawn toward all things mystical and magical. My personal journey has led me to study many religions and belief systems in order to find my own truth and understanding.

Omnism is the closest word I can find in relation to where that path has taken me. In my professional life, I hold a Master’s degree in Business Administration and work for a global company in the security sector. I am a wife and mother of 5 in a beautiful blended family. We enjoy music festivals and camping, quality time around a fire, and collecting pretty rocks together.