
We look forward to holding space for you.


2611 W Colorado Ave Studio B
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
(719) 662-3336

Ayahuasca Ceremony Schedule
Friday night 7pm intake Opening Ceremony 8:30pm overnight Saturday morning 6:30am Connection & Closing Circle, Breakfast & rest 7:30am

Halotherapy & Sound Bath 10am Yoga Therapy Meditation 12pm Social Nutrition Lunch 1pm After lunch you may stay or leave the center Reconnect & preparation for 2nd Ceremony 8pm

Sunday Closing Circle 6:30am | Social Nutrition Breakfast 7:30am | Mix & Mingle, re-enter your new world 10am

***Please fill out the intake questionaire below to start your registration process. This is a requirement to participate in any Entheogenic Ceremony. We will contact you prior to ceremony after your form has been received.***


Ceremony Registration

General Inquiry