Ceremony Offerings

Here are the upcoming dates for our Ceremonial Offerings and Connection Circles . . .

Renewal and blossoming ; navigating the inner garden of transformation ayahuasca colorado

April 5th - 7th, 2024

Renewal & Blossoming: Navigating the Inner Garden of Transformation

Renewal and Blossoming: Navigating the Inner Garden of Transformation" is a theme designed for our April 5th spring ayahuasca ceremony. It signifies a journey of inner renewal and growth, drawing inspiration from the symbolism of spring and its association with new beginnings.

Participants in this ceremony are encouraged to explore the metaphorical "inner garden" of their consciousness, where seeds of personal transformation can be planted and nurtured. The theme emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and the potential for positive change, mirroring the blossoming of flowers in spring.

Guided by the ceremonial use of ayahuasca, individuals will navigate their inner landscapes, seeking insights, healing, and a sense of rejuvenation. The theme invites participants to embrace the transformative power of the ceremony and emerge with a renewed perspective on their spiritual journey and personal development.

Rebrith under the waning cresent : a spring rebirthing journey ahavah gardens colorado

May 3rd - 5th, 2024

Rebirth Under the Waning Crescent: A Spring Rebirthing Journey

As the waning crescent moon delicately sheds its light, we embark on a profound journey of transformation and renewal within the sacred space of the Ayahuasca ceremony. In the embrace of spring's awakening, we are guided to explore the fragmented pieces of our being, uncovering hidden truths and illuminating pathways to wholeness.

Within the rhythmic pulse of the ceremony, we surrender to the gentle whispers of nature's rebirth, allowing the medicine to guide us through the depths of our subconscious. Each fragment of the waning moon symbolizes an aspect of ourselves awaiting integration, beckoning us to embrace vulnerability and release that which no longer serves our highest purpose.

Through the kaleidoscope of visionary experience, we navigate the labyrinth of our psyche, confronting shadows with courage and compassion. Like seeds bursting forth from the thawing earth, we plant intentions for growth and transformation, nurturing the soil of our soul with love and acceptance.

In this sacred container, we honor the wisdom of indigenous traditions and the healing power of plant medicine, forging a deep connection with the natural world and our own inner landscape. As the ceremony unfolds, we are invited to dance with the ebb and flow of the cosmic tide, surrendering to the divine rhythm of creation.

Harmony unfolding : orchestrating a chrysalis ahavah gardens colorado

May 31st - June 2nd, 2024

Harmony Unfolding: Orchestrating a Chrysalis

As the last whispers of spring linger in the air and the earth hums with the vibrancy of new life, we gather once more to embark on a profound Ayahuasca journey. In the serene embrace of early June, we are invited to surrender to the gentle rhythms of nature's transition, weaving our intentions into the tapestry of the unfolding season with our hearts intention.

We enter the sacred space of the ceremony with hearts open and spirits ready to receive. Like petals unfurling in the warmth of the sun, we allow the medicine to guide us into the depths of our being, where the seeds of transformation lie waiting to be nurtured.

As the medicine works its magic, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all things, of the delicate dance between light and shadow, joy and sorrow. In this sacred container, we honor the cycles of life and death, release and renewal, embracing the wisdom of impermanence with grace and gratitude.

With each breath, each heartbeat, we are invited to surrender to the flow of life, to embrace the beauty of the present moment with open arms. As the ceremony draws to a close and the first hints of summer linger on the horizon, we emerge from the depths of our journey, like butterflies emerging from their chrysalis, transformed and renewed.

Summer salt : a declaration of interdependence ayahuasca colorado

July 12th - 14th, 2024

Summer Salt: A Declaration of Interdependence

In the heat of July, as the sun reaches its zenith and the earth shimmers with vitality, we gather for an Ayahuasca ceremony infused with the energy of summer. Like salt seasoning the air, we immerse ourselves in the transformative waters of the medicine, allowing its potency to cleanse and invigorate our spirits.

Under the canopy of starlit skies, we embark on a journey of deep introspection and renewal. With each sip of the sacred brew, we dissolve the barriers that separate us from our true essence, diving fearlessly into the depths of our subconscious.

As the medicine takes hold, we are guided to confront the saltiness within, embracing it with courage and compassion. Our emotions wash over us and carry away that which no longer serves our highest good. The night unfolds and the medicine works its magic. We are reminded of the interconnectedness of all things, of the eternal dance of light and darkness, life and death. In this sacred space, we find solace in the knowledge that we are not alone, that we are held in the loving embrace of the universe.

As the ceremony draws to a close and the first light of dawn paints the sky with hues of pink and gold, we emerge from our journey reborn, like the phoenix rising from the ashes. With hearts overflowing with gratitude, we embrace the dawning of a new day, ready to embrace the fullness of life with renewed vigor and purpose.

August 9th - 11th, 2024

The Warmth in Wisdom: As Summer Fades

As August ushers in the waning days of summer, we gather beneath the canopy of stars for an Ayahuasca ceremony infused with the essence of the season's culmination. Like ripe fruit ready for harvest, we offer ourselves to the medicine's transformative power, ready to glean the wisdom of our journey thus far.

We honor the cycles of life and growth, recognizing the abundance that surrounds us. We delve deep into the fertile soil of our souls, uncovering hidden truths and shedding that which no longer serves our evolution. Guided by the gentle rhythm of the medicine, we journey inward, traversing the landscapes of our consciousness with courage and humility. Like explorers in uncharted territory, we navigate the depths of our being, encountering both shadow and light along the way. In this space of interconnectedness, we find solace and strength, knowing that we are never truly alone on our journey.

With each passing moment, we surrender more deeply to the wisdom of the Ayahuasca spirit, trusting in its guidance as we navigate the twists and turns of our soul's evolution. In the embrace of community and the support of our fellow journeyers, we find the courage to face our fears and embrace our highest potential. We step boldly into the next chapter of our lives, ready to embody the wisdom we have come to embrace along the way.

September 6th - 8th, 2024

Equilibrium: Navigating the Fall Equinox Threshold

As September unfolds and the earth begins its transition into autumn, we gather under the canopy approaching the fall equinox for an Ayahuasca ceremony guided by the theme of equilibrium. At this pivotal moment when day and night stand in perfect balance, we journey inward to explore the delicate equilibrium within ourselves and the world around us.

In the sacred space of the ceremony, we honor the changing seasons and the wisdom of nature's cycles. Like leaves gently drifting to the forest floor, we surrender to the transformative power of the medicine, releasing that which no longer serves us and embracing the essence of balance and harmony.

Guided by the rhythmic pulse of the equinox, we journey deep into the heart of our being, navigating the landscape of our consciousness with courage and grace. With each sip of the sacred brew, we peel back the layers of illusion, revealing the truth that lies at the core of our existence.

As visions unfold and insights arise, we are invited to confront the dualities that dwell within us – light and shadow, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. Through the alchemical process of integration, we seek to find harmony within the chaos, unity within the diversity, and peace within the turmoil.

In the embrace of community and the support of our fellow journeyers, we find solace and strength as we navigate the threshold between seasons, between states of consciousness, between the known and the unknown. In this liminal space, we discover the power of balance as a catalyst for transformation and growth.

As the ceremony draws to a close and the first hints of autumn's chill fill the air, we emerge from our journey with hearts expanded and spirits renewed. With gratitude for the insights gained and the connections forged, we step boldly into the next phase of our journey, embodying the equilibrium and harmony that lie at the heart of existence.

October 4th - 6th, 2024

Seasons of Change: Embracing Transformation in the Falling Leaves

As the vibrant hues of autumn adorn the landscape and the air grows crisp with the promise of change, we gather for an Ayahuasca ceremony infused with the essence of transformation. Like leaves gracefully surrendering to the earth, we open ourselves to the wisdom of the medicine, ready to release that which no longer serves our growth and embrace the beauty of impermanence. Guided by the rhythmic pulse of the ceremony, we navigate the landscape of our consciousness with courage and grace.

With each passing moment, we surrender more deeply to the wisdom of the Ayahuasca spirit, allowing it to wash away the old and plant the seeds of new growth within us. In the embrace of community and the support of our fellow journeyers, we find the courage to let go and trust in the unfolding of our own unique path.

As the ceremony draws to a close and the first snowflakes begin to fall, we emerge from our journey reborn, like seeds bursting forth from the frozen earth. With hearts wide open and spirits ablaze, we celebrate the beauty of our own transformation and the eternal dance of life and death that weaves through us all.

November 1st - 3rd, 2024

Scorpio's Bounty: A Gratitude-filled Celebration

As the sun journeys through the intense and transformative sign of Scorpio, we gather for an Ayahuasca ceremony infused with the spirit of deep introspection, regeneration, and gratitude. Like the scorpion shedding its old skin, we embrace this time of renewal and transformation, honoring the blessings that abound in our lives.

In the sacred space of the ceremony, we come together to give thanks for the abundance that surrounds us – the richness of our relationships, the blessings of nature, and the gifts of healing and growth that come with each journey of the soul.

Guided by the energy of Scorpio, we dive fearlessly into the depths of our being, confronting our shadows with courage and compassion. Like alchemists transmuting lead into gold, we seek to transform our pain and struggles into wisdom and understanding, trusting in the healing power of the medicine to guide us on our journey.

With each passing moment, we surrender more deeply to the wisdom of the Ayahuasca spirit, allowing it to awaken within us a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings that flow into our lives. In the embrace of community and the support of our fellow journeyers, we give thanks for the love and companionship that nourish our souls and sustain us on our path. With renewed clarity and purpose, we step boldly into the world, ready to share our gifts with the world and celebrate the abundance of life in all its forms.

Colorado ayahuasca ahavah gardens

December 13th - 15th, 2024

Awakening in the Winter Wonderland: A Journey into Christ Consciousness

As the world transforms into a winter wonderland, blanketed in the serene embrace of snow, we embark on an Ayahuasca journey infused with the essence of Christ consciousness. Like the gentle flakes that drift from the heavens, we open ourselves to the divine presence within and without, ready to awaken to the highest expression of love and compassion.

In the sacred space of the ceremony, we honor the birth of Christ consciousness within ourselves – the recognition of our inherent divinity and the embodiment of unconditional love. With each sip of the sacred brew, we surrender to the transformative power of the medicine, allowing it to melt away the barriers that separate us from the source of all creation.

Guided by the energy of Christ consciousness, we journey inward, exploring the depths of our hearts and souls with humility and reverence. Like seekers on a quest for truth, we confront our fears and limitations, embracing the light that shines within us and illuminates the path to enlightenment.

As the ceremony draws to a close and the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, we emerge from our journey reborn, like the sun rising from the darkness of the night. With hearts overflowing with love and gratitude, we step boldly into the world, ready to embody the teachings of Christ consciousness and spread love wherever we go.