What We Do

As a Church of Entheogenics, we facilitate sacred ceremonies and rituals that involve the mindful and responsible use of Entheogenic Medicines. Our practices center around creating a safe space for spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and the pursuit of heightened consciousness. We provide guidance, community support, and educational resources to help people navigate their entheogenic experiences safely and with intention. We uphold a culture of respect, understanding, and personal growth within the context of entheogenic spirituality.

Our Mission

Ahavah Gardens is dedicated to fostering spiritual exploration and personal growth through the sacramental use of entheogenic earth, seed, and soul medicines. We aim to create a loving community that values individual freedom, self-discovery, and the pursuit of transcendent experiences. Grounded in respect for diverse spiritual paths, our mission is to promote expansion in consciousness, holistic well-being, and the harmonious integration of mind, body, and soul.

“Love is the blueprint of our soul. Choice is our personal power. Earth is our playground to learn who we truly are.”

— Ahavah Gardens

Sacramental Offerings

  • Mapacho Cleansing : the use of sacred ceremonial tobacco. Strong, direct, and powerful healing properties. Offers deep cleansing, grounding and clarity. Prepares the body for journey.

  • Sananga Healing Eyedrops : for clear, sharper vision. Promotes energetic healing, profound focus and insight. Third eye opening, decalcifies the pineal gland.

  • Psilocybin Therapy : for reconnection to self and earth. Improves neuroplacticity. Uplifts mood, effective treatment for PTSD, ADHD, depression.

  • Sacred Sound : in the beginning was the word. And the word was vibration. One of the most ancient medicines is sacred sound. Vibrations permeate the soul on a DNA level.

  • Kambo Ceremony : from the phyllomedusa bicolor frog is a secretion full of healing peptides. Kambo shifts panema, trapped emotional/spiritual illness, and cleanses the body on a cellular level.

  • Ayahuasca Journey : The Mother of plant medicines, Ayahuasca promotes deep self-trancendence and inner reflection. Significant theraputic benefits for trauma, addiction, and depression.

  • Bufo Experience : from the Colorado River toad, bufo alvarius, contains 5MeO-DMT. Alleviates depression, anxiety, PTSD. Become one with the universe, rebirth, vicereal connection to Divine source.

  • MDMA Expression : feel your feelings, energetics, well-being, empathy, transcendence and sensory pleasure. Open hearted healing.