
Maintaining a disciplined and mindful dieta is crucial when working with entheogenic plant medicines. The dieta is designed to create a harmonious environment for the plant spirits to impart their wisdom. Food is Medicine and it extends to help the body access mental and spiritual dimensions. An organic, plant-focused with optional clean protein diet enhances receptivity and sensitivity to the subtle energies of these sacred plants. It helps cultivate a focused mindset, creating a deeper connection with the entheogenic experience.

Ayahuasca Dieta :

The plant-focused nature of the Ayahuasca dieta serves multiple purposes. First, it aligns with the belief that consuming a clean, unprocessed diet enhances spiritual receptivity and sensitivity. A plant-focused regimen helps eliminate physical and energetic interference, allowing for a more profound connection with the Ayahuasca spirit. Additionally, certain animal products are often avoided due to their potential to introduce conflicting energies or toxins, disrupting the purification process facilitated by Ayahuasca. From a cultural and traditional perspective, many indigenous communities view a plant-focused dieta as a way to honor and harmonize with the natural world, reinforcing the sacred connection between humans and the plant spirit. Ultimately, the plant-focused dieta is seen as a holistic approach to prepare the body, mind, and soul for the transformative Ayahuasca experience.

Every body is different. Although the Ayahuasca Dieta is recommended to be plant-based, some people may have health challenges or dietary restrictions that a purely plant-based dieta would have a counterproductive effect upon. If your body needs protein, opt for clean, organic, pasture raised eggs, chicken, fish or turkey. Light, clean protein sources are absolutely ok if your diet cannot consist of higher carbohydrate options which are mostly found in a purely plant-based diet. This is why our recommendation is to honor your body and its nutritional needs. If you are carbohydrate sensitive, focus on low carb vegatables and berries, avocado, nuts and seeds, olives, then add your clean protein source. Avoid all dairy and red meat during the Ayahuasca Dieta prepartion cleanse as a way to make a sacrificial offering to Mother Aya if your diet calls for protein.

The goal of the plant-focused dieta is to eat as clean as you ever have in your life. We hope you have this practice of clean, mindful eating already in motion. We encourage you to continue a holistic approach to food after working with Sacred Plant Medicine. You will want to avoid all canned, pre-packaged and processed foods. Many plant-based foods are heavily processed, especially plant-based meat and cheeses. Avoid all processed foods even if they are vegan. Focus on whole foods. Always choose organic. There is a big difference between commercial and organic farming practices. For westerners, we are exposed to harmful ingredients within the SAD American Diet and commercial farming. We are known to overconsume sugar, synthetic salts/sweeteners, toxins, chemicals, preservatives and have nutrient deficiencies because of the overused soils in commercial farming. Avoid eating out at resturants all together during your cleansing phase. Resturaunts are known for serving foods sourced from commercial farming and have a heavy preservative content. Instead of eating out, commit to grocery shopping at your local, organic grocer and preparing meals at home. For people in the Colorado Springs area, Mountain Mama’s Natural Foods, Natural Grocer’s, Sprouts and Whole Foods would be the recommendations for mindful, wholesome groceries. If you are out of town or state, a quick google search to locate your Natural Grocer would be beneficial. When you shop at health conscious grocers, it will come back full circle when working with sacred plant medicine. Your food is guaranteed to be clean, healthy, and organic promoting overall wellbeing in the mind, body, and soul.

When should I start my Ayahuasca Dieta? Immediately!

After you have made the commitment to sit with Ayahuasca or other sacred medicines, start your mindfulness practice with cleaner food choices immediatlely! Choice is our power. Choosing Entheogenic Medicines is already a huge step towards your path to wholeness. The old saying “You are what you eat” has so much truth behind it. You have chosen to live a more holistic and wholesome life just by choosing the medicine path. All we have is NOW. “The Power of Now”, a book recognized as one of the most influential spiritual books of our time by Eckhart Tolle, helps us to connect with the concept of being in the present moment. This book comes highly recommended to support your spiritual expansion and mindful eating practice. No more excuses, just do it NOW!

Should I avoid salt in the Ayahuasca Dieta? NO!

Contrary to a popular, misconceived belief that you should avoid salt for 3 days or more prior to consuming Ayahuasca, this is not a recommendation we suppport. Pure himalayan salt in moderation is completely safe when working with Ayahuasca. A clean, electrolye drink like Ultima Replenisher is also recommended to stay safe when working with sacred plant medicine or Kambo. Sodium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining various physiological functions in the body. One of its primary functions is regulating fluid balance. Sodium, along with potassium, helps control the distribution of water in and out of cells, tissues, and blood vessels. This balance is vital for proper cell function, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.

Sodium is also involved in maintaining blood pressure. It works in conjunction with potassium to regulate the balance of fluids in blood vessels, influencing blood volume and pressure. Additionally, sodium plays a role in supporting nerve impulses and muscle contractions, contributing to the overall electrical excitability of cells. By avoiding salt in the diet you increase your risk for a serious condition called Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a medical condition characterized by an abnormally low concentration of sodium in the blood. Hyponatremia can occur when there is an imbalance between water intake and sodium levels, causing the body to retain excess water. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include nausea, headache, confusion, seizures, and, in severe cases, coma or death. Our bodies need salt and electrolyes so please do not completely avoid these essential minerals when working with plant medicines.

Should I fast on the day of ceremony before taking Ayahuasca? Yes, you should be fasted from food for 7 hours before you drink.

It is important to be well nourished and balanced coming into the medicine. Do not do any intense fasting protocols that call for only fruit/veggie juice fasting & water with no solid food for days in a row. This is stressful on the body before medicine work. We are designed to eat! You need to be strong while Mother Aya works through you. You should however make your last meal on ceremony day a substantial and colorful one. Ahavah Garden Ceremonies have the first drink offering around 9pm. This means you would stop consuming solid food at 2pm. You can drink peppermint or ginger & tumeric tea to calm any hunger pains. Stay hydrated and drink a normal amount of water. Avoid sugary drinks, caffinated energy drinks, coffee and soda. If you consumed an electrolyte drink the day of ceremony, drink it with your last meal and have water and tea the rest of the evening. You can bring a water bottle to stay hydrated through your ceremony process overnight.

Tyramine and Ayahuasca : 

Tyramine is a monoamine that is found naturally in some foods that contain protein. As these foods age, the levels of tyramine increase. Especially fermented products are rich in tyramine. The combination of foods with a high concentration of tyramine with Ayahuasca should be avoided, because it can cause a hypertensive crisis with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sweating, increased heart rate, and dilated pupils. Tyramine can also inhibit the MAOI in Ayahuasca, which lessens the effects of the medicine and DMT uptake in the central nervous system.

Foods high in tyramine include the following:

*Dried or overripe fruits (raisins or prunes, bananas or avocados)

*Strong or aged cheeses (aged Cheddar, Swiss, and Parmesan; blue cheeses such as Stilton and Gorgonzola; and Camembert)

*Aged meats (treated with salt and nitrate or nitrite, dry sausages, pepperoni, and salami)

*Smoked or processed meats (hot dogs, mortadella, bacon, corned beef, or smoked fish)

*Canned or fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, caviar, tofu, or pickles)

*Sauces (soy sauce, shrimp sauce, fish sauce, miso, and teriyaki sauce)

*Soy and soy products, broad beans, and their pods

*Meat tenderizers or meat prepared with tenderizers

*Yeast-extracted spreads (Marmite, brewer’s yeast, or sourdough bread)

*Alcoholic beverages (beer, red wine, sherry, and spirits)

*Improperly stored foods or spoiled foods

*Caffeinated beverages

Tyramine Free Foods:

*Eggs (preferrably pastured/organic)

*Freshly prepared poultry/fish (preferrably pastured, organic, wild caught)

*Organic Cereals & Pastas

*Certain cheeses, organic/pastured preferred (cream cheese, ricotta, cottage cheese)

*Products leavened with baking powder such as biscuits, croissants, breads (no sourdough)

Sexual Intercourse and Ayahuasca

It's generally recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least a few days before working with Ayahuasca and a few days after. This is because Ayahuasca ceremonies involve deep spiritual and emotional experiences, and abstaining from sexual activity can help participants maintain a clear and focused mindset, allowing them to fully engage with the healing process and begin to integrate what they experienced with their own energies alone. 

With sexual intercourse, you are taking on the energies of the partner through bodily fluids and energetic exchange. For women especially, the womb space can carry any sexual partners energies and DNA for up to 7 years unless intentional cleansing and clearing is performed. Since women carry deeper energies of their partner for longer, a Yoni Egg cleanse with a black obsidian crystal shaped egg before sitting with Ayahuasca is highly beneficial. 

Additionally, some believe that refraining from sexual activity can help conserve and redirect energy for the ceremony. However, the specific duration of abstinence can vary depending on individual beliefs and the traditions of the Ayahuasca ceremony facilitator. For Ahavah Gardens, the recommended time period for abstinence from our Curanderas is 3 days prior and 3 days after, with a highly suggested Yoni Egg cleanse for women. 

What can men do to energetically cleanse and clear themselves from sexual intercourse residue before sitting with Ayahuasca?

  • Cleansing rituals: Engaging in cleansing rituals such as smudging with sage or palo santo, taking a purifying bath with Epsom salts or essential oils, or using crystals for energy clearing can help remove any lingering energetic residue.

  • Intention setting: Setting clear intentions before the Ayahuasca ceremony can help focus the mind and align one's energy with the healing process.

  • Connecting with nature: Spending time in nature, such as walking in the forest or sitting by a river, can help ground and center oneself, facilitating the release of any unwanted energies.

It's essential for individuals to find practices that resonate with them personally and to approach the cleansing process with respect, intention, and mindfulness.